Tuesday Weaving Tips-The Basketmaker’s Wife Blog


TUESDAY WEAVING TIPS– OK, this is not so much of a weaving tip as a “shout out” to a couple of my newly found best bud bloggers and basketry teachers, Eric Taylor, his wife Lynne at the basketmaker’s wife blog and basketmaker and blogger, Tony Stubblefield.

I suppose I should have waited and posted this next week on the MONDAY MENTION segment of the blog, but I couldn’t wait to pass on this great blog information you ya’ll.

Last week I was surfing around visiting some of my favorite bloggers from my blog roll (listed right over there on the right sidebar toward the bottom), and reading Tony Stubblefield’s JASkets Blog , when I read about last year’s basketry workshop with Eric Taylor.

Wish I lived close enough to attend one of Eric’s Nantucket basketry classes out East or maybe instead, I should just get in my car and drive down to see him at Tony’s next workshop in Missouri.

I have family in OKC, so driving the 1,500 miles or so could be turned into a business related “working” vacation, especially if I can teach my antler baskets or chair caning somewhere along the line, too!

After drooling over the baskets and all the pictures Tony had on his blog about Eric’s baskets and the workshop, I found that Eric’s wife Lynne, has just entered the blogosphere with a blog of her own called the basketmaker’s wife .

Lynne is a painter and designer by trade and just happens to love to write, especially about her hubby, their dog and what’s going on around in their world. I’m sure you will enjoy reading the posts from this woman with a great, authentic and quirky sense of humor as much as I do.

When you visit the blog, be sure and tell Lynne that you heard about her (and hubby Eric) through the shout out on the Weavin’ Wicker Woman blog.

Thanks and Happy Weaving!

About The Author

4 thoughts on “Tuesday Weaving Tips-The Basketmaker’s Wife Blog”

  1. Hi Cathryn: Wanted to let you know that people have emailed Eric saying they saw your post about us. I guess people do not like leaving comments! So I wanted to let you know that.

    1. Yes, I know that is the case with a lot of people and I’m not sure why exactly, maybe they don’t want to expose their comments publicly or have their email seen on the net. But what most people don’t realize is that it’s easy to get a throw-away email addy to use in just this sort of situation–simply to post on blogs, forums and the like. That way they can keep their personal email information away from the harvesting bots. Thanks for letting me know that you’ve gotten the exposure, that’s what it’s all about, right?

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