Well, I’m not too sure what’s going on with me, maybe it’s anticipating the change in the seasons,(that hopefully will be coming soon), but we’ve just made more massive changes to both the blog and the website itself over the last couple weeks in 2016. Can you tell?

Started by changing from three columns to two, which presented problems of its own as far as affiliate boxes and widget placement.
I had to relocate the left sidebar navigation links to the top, just under the header graphic.
Now you’ll need to click on whichever tab you want and then select from the drop-down menu for the page you want to see.
Added the Sharaholic bar at both the top and bottom of each page and post in the blog so you can share all the good stuff here with your friends and family.
But think that might be overkill with them in both spots, how about you, what do you think?
Played around with all the widgets in the new right sidebar, trying to keep from having too many moving parts over there.
Added the slideshow of the blog, so you could see what you’ve been missing if you are not a subscriber from way back already…
And added the Google+ box in case you wanted to add me to your circles.
Also added the Pinterest follow button and a WickerWoman.com link button, in case you’d like to use that on your own blog sidebar.
Then I got the bright idea that the header graphic that I’ve had since 2007 needed some jazzing up, seemed kinda stuffy and no longer fit the direction I’m going in with my business. Sooooo…
Contacted my WordPress guru to see if she was up for the redesign challenge on the header graphic. And luckily she was!
So I told her what I was after, sent her some pictures and viola! Doesn’t it look nice?
This really captures the “umbrella purpose” and slogan of my business that I’ve had since 1999, which is “Weaving for Preservation, Education & Innovation”
The pictures are slightly different on the site header graphic and the blog header graphic, but on each one, the seatweaving and wicker restoration cover the “Preservation” aspect, the chair caning class picture covers the “Education” aspect and the contemporary antler basket pictures, cover the “Innovation,” aspect, don’t you think? And I love, love, love the green color.
Well, please bop around the site and try out all the new widgets, drop-down menus, tabs and be sure to check out the blog and compare the differences. Then please make some comments below on this blog post.
Constructive criticism is welcomed, but don’t be too cruel. I definitely need to know if there’s something that doesn’t work right or you are exasperated with or don’t like, so I can try to fix it though. Happy Weaving! And enjoy the “new” 2016 site redesign, first major overhaul since I switched to WordPress back in 2007!
~~ Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~
Until next time, Happy Weaving!