Well, Good Morning Everyone! Another bright, sun shiny morning up here in the northland of Minnesota!
Today’s MONDAY MENTION is a relatively new (2007), basketry blog I just discovered called “BasketMakers” written by Susi Nuss. In her online journal she updates the viewers on current basket exhibitions, new workshops/classes and also notifies basket collectors of any upcoming auctions.
Susi is primarily a black ash basketmaker and in addition is a woman who wears many hats in the basketry community. She also maintains a popular domain site, BasketMakers.com, which is a very, very comprehensive website for basketmakers that covers just about everything you ever wanted to know about the craft of basketweaving!
Visit Susi’s blog and be sure to Google Follow (the small box in the side navigation on most blogs), so you don’t miss a thing. And be sure to leave a comment, saying that you found her BasketMakers blog right here on the MONDAY MENTION of Weavin’ Wicker Woman’s blog. Enjoy!