Anxious to get started with that new basket weaving or chair caning project, but not sure where to buy the supplies? Need something more to finish that project in the works? We have just the thing for you!
Check out the Cane and Basket Weaving Supplies Directory™ We’ve listed over 20 supply companies that have been in business for years and can help you out with any requests.

Each cane and basket supplier has its specialties; one may have a larger tool selection; one might carry more unusual basket embellishments; wooden bases, or reed with more unique sizing.
Some weaving supply companies specialize more heavily on basketweaving supplies and some carry more chair caning and seatweaving materials.
Most cane and basket supply companies also carry a good selection of instruction books, patterns, wooden bases, weaving tools, and footstool frames, too.
Smoked reed is really handy for those antique wicker furniture repairs! Have you ever tried this special reed in your wicker restorations?
RELATED: Weaving the 7-steps of Hole-to-Hole Caning
You need very little coloring to make the repairs almost invisible and several of the suppliers carry this versatile material.
Take a look at all the various weaving supply companies listed on the Cane and Basket Weaving Supplies Directory™.
Then you can make your purchase from their online catalog and have it shipped to you within days.
If the supply company offers a weekly or monthly newsletter, be sure to sign up for it so you’ll be the first to know about discounts and new products.
And follow them on social, to keep up on a regular basis with what they are doing in their business!
And if you are searching for a particular size of cane or reed and can’t find the exact size, just send a sample to the supplier and have them match it up for you.
RELATED: Weaving the 7-steps of Hole-to-Hole Caning
When you contact a supplier, please mention that you saw their ad on so they know where their advertising is working best!
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~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~
Happy Weaving, until next time!
Hi, I’m looking for advice on caring for my grandmother’s dining room chairs which have cane seats. I live in the Colorado Rockies, where it’s much drier than Wisconsin, where she lived. She replaced the cane about 10 years ago, but the chairs had very little use. (They’re my daily use dining chairs.) Most websites recommend treating with lemon oil, but I’m really hoping you can recommend a brand or two (I’m happy to buy via amazon!) How often should I treat them? I think the air here is about 6% humidity, but I have a whole home humidifier to try to keep the house to around 30%. Thank you for any advice you can lend!
Hi Kristin,
Although your question has nothing to do with the topic of this blog post on Cane & Basket Supplies, I’ll go ahead and post the answer to your question about caring for your grandmother’s cane chair anyway since it might help others with the same question! Cane seats that are well cared for can and do last more than 25 years, so it’s to your advantage to know how to treat them and I’ve made a list of techniques to use on the “How-to Care for Your Cane Furniture” page! Thanks for asking Kristin!