FRIDAY FEATURE — Today’s feature is a wonderful “little” blog that highlights wicker furniture and basketry of all types and a whole lot more!
Casey’s Minis blog is about the daily adventures of Tessie and her husband Zar in the enchanting, wonderful world of miniatures.
Here are some of the great wicker furniture tutorials and posts:
And here are some of the basket tutorials:
I tried my hand at making miniature wicker furniture many years ago and really loved doing them.
However, I didn’t peruse the niche and wasn’t aware of such excellent tutorials to help one follow that interesting vocation.
Congratulations to blogger Casey, she deserves all the awards from for being the Best Miniature Blog in 2011 and 2012!
Scoot right over to visit Tessie, Zar and all their friends right away for a delightful read at Casey’s Minis Blog
Cathryn, thanks for the comments on my blog….However, Tessie and Zar aren’t married. They are just friends, and sometimes not so friendly.
If people just go to the side bar and look under “baskets”, they will get a lot more basket info. I do a lot of coiled and twined baskets too.
Thanks again!
Oh I’m sorry about thinking Tessie and Zar were married and they’re not. Guess I was just in too much of a hurry to read about their adventures that I missed that detail. Regardless, you have a delightful blog and I’m happy to have brought it to my subscribers and other readers of Weavin’ Wicker Woman Blog!