Terms of Endearment –Mr. Wicker Woman meant to be dear when he gave me a Valentine’s Day compliment last week, but…
I’ve been eating a lot of things I shouldn’t be lately, which makes my face puffy and eyes itchy and they water a lot.
So when Mr. Wicker Woman said, “Honey, the bags under your eyes have have dried up!” I took that as a quasi compliment until he also said, ” The downside is that it increased the wrinkles around your eyes, exponentially.”
Hahaha (not)! Geez, thanks! You know, it’s a good thing we love and adore each other and can laugh a lot together, otherwise I would have KILLED him for making that comment!
I really have to start writing all these “compliment” thingies down, because he’s zinging them in right and left lately and I have to admit, most really are quite funny. Anyway, they would be if aimed at someone else besides me!
This June 23rd we will be celebrating 39 years of wedded bliss, can you believe it? Wow! We are so different in temperment and everything else, with the exception of our core moral values, that our friends and family never thought we’d make it passed five years when we first got hitched.

As I age, things are not quite so pretty as they once were, meaning my face and derrière in particular and I’m trying very hard to hold it altogether as I approach the age of 62. We Leo babies born in August are all about appearances, but must admit I’ve let mine slip over the last several years.
Losing about 35 pounds last year has helped immeasurably and so has following the Phase 1 & 2 diet of Doug Kauffman’s Know the Cause . It’s also helped with the asthma symptoms not being so bad, and helped my digestion and gut function better and many other things.
Well, enough for now, I promise to keep smilin’ and will keep you posted and share more Terms of Endearment from Mr. Wicker Woman soon…