Wicker Manufacturer’s Labels

WEDNESDAY WICKER WISDOM–Antique wicker manufacturer’s labels can be an invaluable tool in determining the time frame in which an antique piece of wicker furniture was made.

Manufacturers used paper, celluloid, and metal labels, adhering them to the underneath side of the frame, back of the seat frame, or on one of the leg support rungs.

Sadly, not many of the paper labels still exist because they deteriorated quickly and fell off the piece they were glued to.

However, many of the celluloid and metal labels survived, having been attached to the piece with small nails.

Heywood Brothers and Wakefield Company, Wakefield, Massachusetts red, wicker manufacture's label from 1897-1921

Not only can the wicker manufacturer’s labels tell you approximately when a piece was made, but frequently the city and state location of the manufacturing company was also on the label.

So you can often tell when the piece was made judging by the location of the company at that particular time.

To give you an idea of how to date by label for example, the most famous and long-standing pillar of the wicker furniture industry was the Heywood-Wakefield Company.

But did you know that the Heywood-Wakefield started out in the mid-1800s as the Wakefield Rattan Company (1855-1897) and then became the Heywood Brothers & Company (1868-1897)?

Then when they merged in 1897, the name changed to the Heywood Brothers & Wakefield Company (1897-1921).

The Heywood-Wakefield metal label on this wicker piece dates it between 1921-1940s.

By 1921, the name was shortened to Heywood-Wakefield Company and remained that way until the 1940s when the wicker furniture industry became obsolete and fell out of fashion with the buying public.

So, armed with this little bit of information about manufacturer’s labels you should be able to determine the age of just about any Heywood-Wakefield antique wicker piece you run across!

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~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~

Happy Weaving, until next time!

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About The Author

13 thoughts on “Wicker Manufacturer’s Labels”

  1. Hello.

    A Heywood Wakefield rattan rocker has been offered to me. It has a H-W brass g looking label on the back of the seat. The label is larger than the one pictured here. Was that type of label used? I did not see one as I looked at different sites. I could send a photo if allowed.

  2. Hello: I hope you can help me with the oval or egg shapped Wakefield Table I have. It is wood on the top and also bottom shelf. The legs are wicker as is the side under the wood. It very nice like the day it was made. The wicker is a brownish color. It is approx. 29 1/2″ tall, by 19 /3/4″ by 30″ all the under part of the top is Wicker. It has the metal tag on the one leg the is marked Heywood Wakefield.

    1. Hi David,

      I am not a wicker appraiser but from what you have described and going by the information in my blog post here, I would say that your piece was made during the 1920s-1940s.

      The type of material used in its construction might be of further help to you also, so please see this page which describes the various materials and also gives a bit of a time-line. https://www.wickerwoman.com/articles/wicker-furniture-materials

      Please contact Richard Saunders listed here in the Wicker category of my National Furniture Repair Directory™ for a certified wicker furniture appraisal of your piece to find out all the details.

  3. I’m trying to research any info on a pair of wicker hampers(?), made from Blind Institution from the Royal Dundee Institution for the blind, 30 High St. About 36” tall x 18” x 12”. Both have a small 2” x 1/2” metal plate with the above information.

    1. V. Carnes,

      I’m sorry to say that I don’t know anything about the Royal Dundee Institution for the Blind. But it sounds like they were in England and if that’s the case, you could contact the Basketmakers’ Association and ask the members about the institution. I’m sure someone there would be able to help you. You will find the Basketmakers’ Association link on the Basket Guilds page here on my website.

  4. Hello, I have an antique wicker sofa and I believe it is about 130 to 150 years old. I am looking to sell the piece and I am not sure where to begin and how to get a fair price for the piece.

    1. Hi Gail,

      I don’t give appraisals or values for wicker furniture but author, wicker repair expert, and appraiser Richard Saunders does do just that. You can contact Richard through his ad on the National Furniture Repair Directory™ in the Wicker category in the State of Georgia. Be sure to let him know that I referred you to him so he knows how he’s being discovered, please.

  5. I need help – have to sell a Heywood-Wakefield wicker settee for my mom and don’t know where to get information. There is a readable tag.

    1. Hi Debbie,
      Do a search on my website and you will find tons of information on antique wicker furniture and especially Heywood-Wakefield pieces, both on the blog section and on the pages of my site. The Articles tab at the top of every page is also a good starting point.

      If you are looking for an appraisal (what’s it worth, when was it made?) then contact Richard Saunders through his ad in the Furniture Repair Directory™ in the Wicker Repair category for a certified wicker appraisal.

      Best wishes and good luck on the sale.

  6. Hello,
    I recently purchased a pair of antique wicker chairs from an estate in Jamestown, Rhode Island.
    I think they may be Heywod Bros. And co. From 1891.
    Please advise how I can authenticatethem and perhaps get a value. They are in excellent condition. I have photos of the chair and it’s markings.
    If they are that age, I best not to sit on them!
    Thank YOU,
    Lori A.

    1. Hi Lori,

      How fortunate for you that you found and purchased such nice wicker chairs! To get an appraisal all you need to do is to contact certified wicker appraiser and wicker book author, Richard Saunders in my National Furniture Repair Directory®. Click on the “Furniture Repair Pros” navigation tab at the top of any page, then go to the Wicker category under the State of Georgia. Or here’s a direct hotlink to his ad in the National Furniture Repair DirectoryJ. Please tell Richard that I referred you to him so he knows where his advertising is working!

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