The SeatWeavers' Guild–Chair Caning Group

If you cane chairs or reweave chair seats in any other pattern like rush, splint, hickory bark, or Danish cord and want to belong to a group of like-minded folks, our weaving guild is for you!

Founded in the summer of 2007, The SeatWeavers’ Guild (TSWG) is the only chair caning guild in North America, and its members come from all over the country and Canada.

TSWG was founded in 2007 to promote and educate its members and the public in all aspects of this heritage craft of chair seat weaving.

Every year, usually in July, we hold our annual Gathering in various locations across the country. The Gatherings are a chance for members to mingle, demonstrate seat weaving techniques, and learn from each other through workshops.

At the Gatherings we also hold our annual business meeting and election of officers. Plus, Sunday is always our day to hold demonstrations and workshops for the public as well as the annual “Chair Seating Through the Ages” exhibition.

The SeatWeavers' Guild mission statement brochure.

Most of our member businesses are sole proprietors working from their homes or small workshops. But we also have furniture restoration businesses and upholsterers who offer chair caning, and cane and basket supply business members with several employees and large workshops and stores.

The only requirement for membership is a love of chair seat weaving! We welcome financial supporters, too, so if you are not actively doing business as a chair caner and want to support our 501 (3c) non-profit organization we would love a donation!

To learn more about The SeatWeavers’ Guild (TSWG), follow the link below, visit our site, and become a member or make a donation today!

Here’s a cool little ditty I put together during the early years to promote our National Chair Caning group, The SeatWeavers’ Guild. 


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~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~

Happy Weaving, until next time!

Cathryn script signature

About The Author

3 thoughts on “The SeatWeavers' Guild–Chair Caning Group”

  1. Hello,
    We are looking for a seat weaver near north western PA. A few years ago we had a chair done by a lady near Akron, OH. I did not see anyone near there listied in Ohio.
    Thanks, Don Partch

  2. “I need to have new rushing – the kind that meets in the middle- on three chairs next summer. I’ll be in SouthEastern New Jersey. Is anyone in your group near that location?
    Thank you for letting me know.

    Mary Jane Bent

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