green frog by the pond

One of the things I really enjoy about living the country life is encountering the various critters, all shapes and all sizes. Country Life Critters–Frogs In June we have a lot of frogs croaking in […]

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  MONDAY MENTION–Sounds of the Wild Wolves   When we first moved up here to our 120 acre place in northern Minnesota on the Iron Range in 2002, and before the willows grew so high

Sounds of the Wild–Wolves Read More »

Country Living Tales (in this case, Tails)– You can really tell that fall is here in northern Minnesota and winter is fast approaching, when the mice try to over-run the house! Well, as you can

Mouse in the House! Read More »

Here’s a great article on the Science Dailywebsite about how protective the female Mule Deer is of her own fawns and those from the Whitetail Deer family, too. They go to great lengths against predators

Mother of the Year–Mule Deer Does! Read More »

Ever heard of an antler growing out of a tree? Well, The Shed Antler Blog posted some very interesting pictures of a shed antler growing into the base of a tree trunk! Take a look,

Shed Antler Grows Into Tree! Read More »

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