I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day holiday here in the US and took the time to reflect on and honor the men and women who died protecting our great country. Do you know the […]

Memorial Day Tribute Read More »

I am so blessed to have wonderful children and grandchildren, and although they are not with me on this Mother’s Day, have each reached out by phone, email or letters to let me know how

Happy Mother’s Day! Read More »

Here are some tidbits about May Day, (May 1st) that you might find interesting ~~ Traditionally in pre-Christian European pagan holidays, the first day of May celebrated the first day of summer, with the summer

Happy May Day (May 1st) Everyone! Read More »

Greetings and Happy New Year to everyone! I am so looking forward to this coming year, as it promises to be full of transformation, serendipity, abundance, creativity and enlightenment for me, my family, circle of

Greetings and Happy New Year 2009! Read More »

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with all the family gathered around for a day spent reminiscing and reflecting on all the blessings we’ve enjoyed over the years. Great-grandmother, grandparents, parents and children feasted on

Wonderful Thanksgiving Day Read More »

Frozen Labrador muzzles

December is coming in with a BIG BANG! We are under Winter Storm Warning, expecting 16 inches of snow tonight!!!! One nice thing though, snow means it’s going to warm up a bit! It’s actually

Snow, Snow and More Snow! Read More »

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