
You can find Wicker Repair Experts in Vermontlisted below. If there are no current wicker pros listed, please go back to the National Furniture Repair Directory™ (FRD) homepage where you can search other categories and nearby states for your repair pro.

That Wicker Guy Wicker FL.jpg
Saint Albans, VT 05478, United States
Trinity, FL 34655 is determined to bring you the best quality Antique Wicker on the market today!

Whether furnishing an Adirondack Mountain Camp, a Beach House or an Urban Condo, we have antique wicker and antique rustic furniture, ranging from country to sophisticated, to meet your specific needs.

Owners Wayne and Kathie Gonyea are anxious to work with collectors, designers, and decorators. We are one of a few sources for top-quality American made antique wicker furniture manufactured during the 1880s–1930s.

The restoration of antique wicker is a nearly lost art being lovingly preserved by Wayne and Kathie. Each piece that we sell is cleaned, inspected and professionally restored before being sold.

Wayne is a well-known, respected craftsman/artisan able to both restore the structural integrity of heirloom wicker furniture as well as provide painstaking detail in reweaving damaged areas. Kathie utilizes her artistic knowledge and experience to revive the color, finish, and patina of much-loved wicker pieces bringing them back to their original beauty.

How can we help you with your antique wicker furniture needs? Have a question? If you love antique wicker or great camp furniture as much as we do, we need to talk! We gladly work with individuals, collectors, and designers to assist with developing outstanding decorating plans.

Visit our website,  to see our extensive inventory and information about our restoration services.  We personally answer all phone calls, so give us a call at 727-992-2142 or email us at [email protected]

We have two locations: Saint Albans, Vermont (05478) in the summer and Trinity, Florida (34655) in the winter. We do not have an open shop but will gladly welcome you by appointment to visit our Vermont warehouse where our entire inventory is located.



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